Edita A. Petrick
Edita A. Petrick
Edita A. Petrick

Where do you stand with your earnings as an indie writer…?

Molly Greene’s blog does not make a frequent appearance but when it does, it has something interesting to say; that is interesting to the indie writer. This time she posted her earnings for 2015.


She has 7 books out in one series (mystery) and up to now has been exclusively with KDP Select. The Book 1 of her series came out in November 2013, and her last one, Book 7 came out December 21, 2015.  Her books are all around 260 pages (give or take) which should be taken as a good yardstick for readers’ preference. People love a quick read. Or at least quicker than you 100,000 word novel.

Here is a link to her books on Amazon.com https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Ddigital-text&field-keywords=molly+greene

She also has a book out about building an online brand. She is a very successful blogger and I enjoy her posts because each has something relevant to say. She has one historical post about turning your ebook into audio-book. Those of you who are in the US might want to read that post.


Take a stroll through the past blog-posts on the right hand side. Molly always has such interesting  guest-bloggers. Each and every one of the blog-posts there is very informative. The one I found most relevant is about tweeting. What not to tweet. Having read it, https://www.molly-greene.com/10-tweets-you-should-never-send/  it seems that you can’t tweet pretty much anything because there is always someone out there who doesn’t like good morning pictures, or food pictures, or brags, or congrats and so on. I’d say tweet whatever you like as long as tweet-land administration doesn’t rap you for it. One thing I noticed on twitter is that gruesome, gory and disgusting pictures invariably come from accounts with thousands and thousands of followers which boggles the mind as to why would anyone want to see such things.

https://www.molly-greene.com/  Go take a look, subscribe to it and you’ll find that infrequent as they are, each of Molly’s blogposts has something to think about, something to try out and something to share.